Babbitt Alloys
Alloy Composition Solidus
#535 ASTM Gr 3 Sn/8Sb/8Cu 464 792
#550 ASTM Gr 2 Sn/7.5Sb/3.5Cu 466 669
#560 ASTM Gr 1 Sn/4.5Sb/4.5Cu 455 685

Tin-Based Babbitt Alloys

Johnson produces a wide range of Tin/Antimony/Copper Babbitts including Grades 1, 2 & 3 in bar and wire form. Our exclusive Vacuum Casting process virtually eliminates dirt, oxidation and alloy segregation through the entire manufacturing process. Johnson's Pure Babbitt wire is drawn to to exacting tolerances for wire-feed applications.

View our Technical Bulletin on related products.