For use in applications such as high pressure steam vessels, nuclear power plants , heavy construction industry, ship building or anywhere steel needs protection from corrosion
Problem: Prevent rust & corrosion of beveled boiler tube ends between the time of installation and the welding of the return bends
Solution: Coat tube ends with DEOXAUMINITE, either on the ground or after placement, then weld at your leisure without refinishing. -
Problem: Eliminate re-machining joints on pressure vessels in the field where facilities are minimal or non-existent
Solution: Machine at the plant to protect sensitive metal with DEOXALUMINITE. Ship to the erection site and weld without removing DEOXALUMINTIE. -
Problem: Rust film interfering with spot welding of automotive body panels
Solution: Coat with DEOXALUMINITE after stamping. Spot weld right through with excellent results -
Problem: Refrigeration compressor shell to be TIG welded. Lower grade steel with unacceptable level of porosity was used due to unavailability of higher grade steel
Solution: Coat edges with DEOXALUMINTIE and the deporosite action absorbs evolved gases, allowing a sound weld. -
Problem: Power steering pump and filler neck to be TIG welded inadvertently made of low grade steel
Solution: Coat joint areas with DEOXALUMINITE and proceed with welding as if with a higher grade steel